Two men and two women with colorful backgrounds considering trying acupuncture.

In China, acupuncture treats everything from the common cold to surgical anesthesia. Although it is most well known in the U.S. for treating pain, acupuncture can help with so many things including:

Overall health and wellness, mental health, allergies and asthma, digestion, skin conditions, migraines, menopause, fertility, PMS, children's health, healthy aging, and more!

Book a free consultation to see if acupuncture can help you!


Here are some of my most frequently asked questions about acupuncture

HOW Does Acupuncture WORK?

With the insertion of extremely thin, sterile needles, (that look much like pins,) acupuncture creates balance and health throughout the body. Research shows that when receiving acupuncture, the body releases endorphins, neurotransmitters and hormones, increases blood flow, and reduces symptoms of pain and discomfort.


How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments depends on the individual, and the details of their condition. Generally speaking, the more chronic the condition, the longer it will take to treat. Some people have drastic reductions in symptoms in 1-2 sessions. Others require a longer course of 8-10 consistent sessions.



No. Some people do not feel the needles at all. For others points may be sensitive, but this small sensation lasts for only a second. It is weird, but not painful. If a needle ever hurts during the treatment, Andrea will adjust or remove the needle immediately. There should be no pain or discomfort during the treatment itself.


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